I'm in sch now. Proj meeting has ended quite long ago but i'm lazy to go back haha. I'm sitting all alone in a gsr now. Have been quite some time since i'm sitting in one. I'm going to get new furniture later! yeah! i'm quite excited. I hope my parents will bring me to a place where there's furniture i lk and will be able to get it. I hate comprimising too much since i've to use them for quite a long time. It's not lk a cheap top where i can not wear it if i decided i do not lk it anymore.
Had lunch with kenneth yesterday =) Thanx kenneth for the treat!!! I love the mussels at fish and co. yummy~~ It was great meeting up with u and listening to all your lame and corny stories once again. I'll try to drop by and visit all the ubs peeps soon... i promise!
Had lunch with kenneth yesterday =) Thanx kenneth for the treat!!! I love the mussels at fish and co. yummy~~ It was great meeting up with u and listening to all your lame and corny stories once again. I'll try to drop by and visit all the ubs peeps soon... i promise!