Decided to do something today since it's fri and I've no sch. Met up with Ru to shop. Intended to have a ktv session but decided that the K lunch timing was way too early for me. Though we had a change of time from 1130-130, that "ever so early" girl was late again! Well saw this ship that Ru says was in the papers, bought a silk dress from Pull and Bear. Only cost me $39.90 (quite cheap rite? Used to be $69.90) Their clothes are not bad. Furthermore there's a sale going on now. But do not be deceived by the large store front of FOREVER 21. I can't find anything nice to buy. It was disappointing. To think i wanted to go to VivoCity just to check out the store.

The famous ship
Felt hungry after all the walking, we decided to head back to town for high tea =) wuhahha what a tai-tai life style. But the biggest diff.. the amount of $ in my bank a/c.

High tea at Crystal Jade
Food was followed by KTV! hah yeah we've decided that we should sing afterall since we've really nothing to do. Must say singing on fri night is not cheap. It's $35 for 2 person.. so ppl pleaseee go on weekdays morning or afternoon. It's soo much cheaper.

My "exciting" night where i felt kidnapped soon began after the ktv session. Stupid Elgin was at bugis so we decided to head down since I also felt like going home anyway. However, Ru refused to go out with them alone. In the end, I was trapped! Stuck with them for the entire night doing nothing haha. We were like delinquents hanging out i swear. From bugis MOS burger to Liang Seah st. dessert store called JDC (so cliche.. which Elgin and co. felt so proud that they know this place while i don't), to Mohammad Sultan, to walking ard The Clinic and Crannery to check the place out and finally... we settled on.... Macdonaldssssssss. Yes you heard me right. So high class. We sat there for hrs. Guys were happily talking abt their ah beng days til Elgin finally felt tired and allowed all of us to go home... which.. is already almost 3am.
Doing nothing at bugis mos
The famous ship
Felt hungry after all the walking, we decided to head back to town for high tea =) wuhahha what a tai-tai life style. But the biggest diff.. the amount of $ in my bank a/c.
High tea at Crystal Jade
Food was followed by KTV! hah yeah we've decided that we should sing afterall since we've really nothing to do. Must say singing on fri night is not cheap. It's $35 for 2 person.. so ppl pleaseee go on weekdays morning or afternoon. It's soo much cheaper.
My "exciting" night where i felt kidnapped soon began after the ktv session. Stupid Elgin was at bugis so we decided to head down since I also felt like going home anyway. However, Ru refused to go out with them alone. In the end, I was trapped! Stuck with them for the entire night doing nothing haha. We were like delinquents hanging out i swear. From bugis MOS burger to Liang Seah st. dessert store called JDC (so cliche.. which Elgin and co. felt so proud that they know this place while i don't), to Mohammad Sultan, to walking ard The Clinic and Crannery to check the place out and finally... we settled on.... Macdonaldssssssss. Yes you heard me right. So high class. We sat there for hrs. Guys were happily talking abt their ah beng days til Elgin finally felt tired and allowed all of us to go home... which.. is already almost 3am.
Doing nothing at bugis mos