I've officially graduated! My grad ceremony was quite fun!! It's pretty cool to c everyone congregate at the same place, all feeling so excited and all looking lk we're attending hogwart heh. All the picture taking had got me alll excited too! I'm happy today!! yeah! Due to the million pics i took, only selective pics will be up =)
My day started at 1130am today, with my best-est pal, evan picking me up. (evan goh! y u nv tell me u had to purposely make a trip to fetch me!! sigh.. sorry dude. But thanx a million. Anyway, i still lk tt car of urs *tsk tsk*)
First pic of the day (taken in evan's car) in my totally empty sim card tt i've prepared for today's grad ceremony.
Next up... Introducing the girl power of SMU! The best girlfriends in my uni life =) I'm sure uni life wun be the same without u gals. *three cheers to us*
And of course, the 2 guys tt completes the grp!
The 4-some! we did almost all projs together for 4 yrs (with the extra GLEN TEO in our pic! hahah kidding!)

Pic of the day: Clown Teo
I swear this guy nv fails to make ppl laugh. U're seriously 1 funny dude la. no wonder no one believe u can get tt title on ur cert heh. kidding again! u deserve it =) Congrats!
My work and travel mates

UBS peeps

Eye Candy Time! My all time fav... *droolzzzzzz* ( i think pics dun really do him justice but i dun care! it's for me to drool peeps hah) Anyway it's not only all abt looks k! personality too!

2nd runer up, smarty pants tan wee.
3rd runner up...Chia Kok Meng! hahaha u're damn ah beng but i lk ur attitude! way to go!

My Family!
Finally, Guest appearances...