I think the term Nostalgia 2007 was a very apt term for the night. No, i'm trying to praise the organizer coz i'm really not a "into sch event" kind of person to start off with. It was more of a dinner where i can hang out with my pals and just catch up. I really miss the good old days where we meet everyone everyday and were aware of the happenings in each others life. I'm pretty sure u gals share the same sentiments. I'm gradually starting to learn that absence DOES not make the heart grow fonder. In my case (or at least wat ppl think of me), absence means to be forgotten. (Maybe it's true.. i'm not very sure but i guess i have a tendency to be less bothered with stuff. If i remembered correctly, James said "if ppl think u r, it shld be the case so u shld juz accept it")
Turn out, things didn't went as planned. I didn't have such a fantastic night as i hoped to. I din even have the mood to take pic with my all time fav!! (My only regret for the night! sigh.. to think he came over to me and all i did was managed a smile..wat was i thinking?!? Anyway, I've good taste k! He was crowned Mr Nostalgia! Awwwww.... *droolz*) Ok i side tracked.. back to being emotional at this moment (i'm not totally emotionless k. can ppl stop telling me tt!)
ANYWAY... Check out the few pics i had for the night...
Waiting at the lobby:

Getting our glitter tatoos done:

Outcome: My swallow and hot babe nette's scorpio

In the dinner hall:
All the gals turned up in black...

Group pic with one of the coolest prof in SMU. hahah
When he came dragging me to take a pic, i knew he was totally gone for the night... hahah
Adjourning to next destination: Zouk... While waiting for evan's car... here's some crazy pics heh
P/S: Hey babe, do give me a call when u need one. I'll always be available to listen. Sounds cliche... but its true. Take care.