Cheese said maybe I should pen my thoughts down. Actually, I did thought of it but i also hesistated about it. One thing about blogs, which to me is supose to be like an online diary... A diary is suppose to be somewhere u can write down personal stuff. However, everyone who knows my blog add is reading this entry. I feel wierd saying things that I do not want people to know about me but I also want an avenue to let things out. So.. this time, heck! People who read it.. please keep it to yourself k.. Sorry for letting u c this side of me too. I think the me that i portray is always the care free, forever happy mel.. but i'm sorry to disappoint, this's not always the case.
Well, we were just talking about jobs. Just a short short talk su min dear haha borrowing ur bf listening ear coz i was bored. I was saying how much i envy my friend for getting a job already. As my friend's working the European hours for operations, she commands a whopping 4k paycheck!! Tt's a huge pay check for me!
I noe i shldn't be looking at just money when it comes to looking for a job.. there's more to it. I know all these very very well and i've also heard this a million and 1 times now from all my friends. BUT! I'm sorrryyyy i can't dun look at the money when my friends r all so concious about it. I do feel pai sei if i get a 2.2k job while my friend is getting a 4k job. So on one hand, i'm pressured to find a job, i'm also pressured to find a high paying job. My dad thinks a job is a job what so pai sei abt a 2.2k? I noe it's my personal problem. I noe tt i'm super "ai mian zi" and yet i don't really have the ability to be so "ai mian zi". Actually i noe of my prob ever since i got into uni.. it kindda grew as the years pass. It's something that i shld work on but i can't!!!
Well, we were just talking about jobs. Just a short short talk su min dear haha borrowing ur bf listening ear coz i was bored. I was saying how much i envy my friend for getting a job already. As my friend's working the European hours for operations, she commands a whopping 4k paycheck!! Tt's a huge pay check for me!
I noe i shldn't be looking at just money when it comes to looking for a job.. there's more to it. I know all these very very well and i've also heard this a million and 1 times now from all my friends. BUT! I'm sorrryyyy i can't dun look at the money when my friends r all so concious about it. I do feel pai sei if i get a 2.2k job while my friend is getting a 4k job. So on one hand, i'm pressured to find a job, i'm also pressured to find a high paying job. My dad thinks a job is a job what so pai sei abt a 2.2k? I noe it's my personal problem. I noe tt i'm super "ai mian zi" and yet i don't really have the ability to be so "ai mian zi". Actually i noe of my prob ever since i got into uni.. it kindda grew as the years pass. It's something that i shld work on but i can't!!!