A gathering at last for us UBS interns. Wasn't tt hard afterall. Just an email and wala! we had our first lunch gathering. Thanx John!! I guess initiative is needed too. It was nice meeting up with everyone. Though we are in the same sch, I hardly see everyone. The only people i meet most often is Fiona and Glen...coz you guys are my proj mate haha. Oh and not forgetting my TA, Jem. I'm such a hermit. I'll juz run home after class everyday. Can't stand staying in sch.
Well it was a pity we din take any pics juz for memory sake. Even though i brought my cam (it's with me almost all the time =) i'm turning into quite a picture whore), i was so hungry waiting for all, i forgot abt pics. The wan tan mee at sunshine plaza is quite nice! Douglas thinks we shld go back there again sometime. Y not man?? I second him. It's juz a short walk from sch and the stall was even featured in some channel 8 program. yum..yum.. I'm sure it's better then Elgin's famoussss wan tan mee.
Well it was a pity we din take any pics juz for memory sake. Even though i brought my cam (it's with me almost all the time =) i'm turning into quite a picture whore), i was so hungry waiting for all, i forgot abt pics. The wan tan mee at sunshine plaza is quite nice! Douglas thinks we shld go back there again sometime. Y not man?? I second him. It's juz a short walk from sch and the stall was even featured in some channel 8 program. yum..yum.. I'm sure it's better then Elgin's famoussss wan tan mee.