We did the Yellow Ribbon Prison Run this morning. And I had to wake up at 6am just to travel to Changi. Freakinggggg early!! Flag off time at Changi was 730am for the 10km runners. However we only managed to reach there at around 750am. As the shuttle bus took such a long time to transport us over. We had to dash to the start line as the announcement said that the gates were closing for the 10km runners. Fortunately, we weren't the last even though we started so much later heh.

Did not bring my camera today. Pics were taken using der's hp.
The crowd:
Me at the finish line:
My running partners today. Ok not really my partners. I was chasing them most of the time hah

Stef and I :)
Greedy Jeff posing with his ice cream hah
I thought the run was good. Thanks to the amazing weather. It was so cooling :) However I did not manage to take a photo with my running buddy Lisa. We always have to a pic of ourselves with our tag for each run haha. Next run, the Great Eastern Run!