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3 Months!

Even I find it unbelievable. We have stayed home for about 3 months now. This is about as long as the time I last blogged. With everyone staying home 24/7, I can barely get a breather. I practically cook and wash all day long. I've also picked up many culinary skills like baking. It was initially to entertain Charlotte but I'm starting to enjoy it. Of course I'm particularly happy if the outcome is good.

During this period of time, Mason turned 1 year old. Instead of a cake smash photography session with a professional, we did everything ourselves. From making the cake to the photo taking. It wasn't too bad. At least it was at the comfort of our own home and I think everyone had fun.
Also, Charlotte graduated from preschool from MACC.
It was a pity she couldn't be in school for the past few months and couldn't experience a graduation in person. She had a graduation via zoom instead.
We decided to head to her school for some photos and coincidentally bumped into some of her school mates there. Guess everywhere has the same idea for keepsake.
I'm not sure how long is this stay home thing going to last. However things are slowly starting to open up and Charlotte went for her 1st ballet and gymnastic class since the lock down. A 2nd wave of the virus is hitting us again but I still hope that things will be contained and go away soon.


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