I have safely arrived in Moscow. The weather is perfect with temperature ranging about 16-20 degrees in the day. I just have to wear a light jacket and I am good to go. It's summer in Moscow so the days are longer than the night. Russians love this period as I guess sunlight and a little warmth is a luxury to them hah. This is my attire when I went walking around the neighbourhood.
It is only my 2nd day so I have not done any exploring. Derrick just brought me around the neighborhood on day 1 to familiarize myself. We also managed to have dinner with Derrick's colleague, a very nice couple :) The food was good and I loved the borsch soup. It is healthy and the taste is to my liking. Maybe I should learn how to cook that hah. I had a new friend with me at dinner.. Mr Black Cat. I can't remember its name. It was scary eating with a cat staring at me. We told the restaurant staff and all they said was it's ok! and left. Gosh... I ate half my dinner in fear before the cat left.
Anyway, I also mopped the floor of the entire apartment this morning! The last time I tried mopping the floor was when I was 3 years old as mopping looks fun to be. Mopping is tiring! But I'm glad the floor is much cleaner now and my feet is no longer black when I walk around! My apartment is pretty good. Very spacious. We have 2 guestroom and 1 master bedroom.
This is the kitchen, pretty much open concept.
I have 4 cupboards in my rm.. but sadly, I don't have much clothes here. I wish I have this back home.
It is only my 2nd day so I have not done any exploring. Derrick just brought me around the neighborhood on day 1 to familiarize myself. We also managed to have dinner with Derrick's colleague, a very nice couple :) The food was good and I loved the borsch soup. It is healthy and the taste is to my liking. Maybe I should learn how to cook that hah. I had a new friend with me at dinner.. Mr Black Cat. I can't remember its name. It was scary eating with a cat staring at me. We told the restaurant staff and all they said was it's ok! and left. Gosh... I ate half my dinner in fear before the cat left.
Anyway, I also mopped the floor of the entire apartment this morning! The last time I tried mopping the floor was when I was 3 years old as mopping looks fun to be. Mopping is tiring! But I'm glad the floor is much cleaner now and my feet is no longer black when I walk around! My apartment is pretty good. Very spacious. We have 2 guestroom and 1 master bedroom.
This is the kitchen, pretty much open concept.
I have 4 cupboards in my rm.. but sadly, I don't have much clothes here. I wish I have this back home.
My bed. Can you spot my spotty flat bunny? hah. I think I'm going to bring my bolster over the next round.
The bathroom. I disinfected the Jacuzzi this morning :) time to buy some bath salts to soak myself in. A luxury that I will not have back in Singapore as my new hs will be so small.
Alright. Time to prepare to go out for dinner. I only ate cereal with milk and some potato chips all day. My mum will definitely scold me if she knows about this haha