My Diwali public hol was spent checking out the newly revamped national Museum. Apparently, the Singapore's museum ain't such a boring place afterall. It's pretty cool and I had fun! but i'm sure the company contributed to the experience *grinz*

Speaking of fun, I'm sure my darling had the most.. he was all out to display his barely there artistic photography skills hahah (ok i do admit some pics do look pretty good bleah...). He's so proud of his pics, he now thinks he's the coolest dude on earth heh.
Since it was diwali, I decided to join in the festive mood by getting a henna! But the guy was rather inexperience. His hands were shaking while doing it and the henna only lasted for 1 day.

While queuing for henna painting, we played ard with the functions of our camera

My fav pic. The function of the cam was suppose to blur out the sides but i couldn't get it right. oh well.. i think u look good here :)

Pics of us... I felt lk a tourist.

The day ended with yummy strawberry cheesecake.... and i'm tired of posing for the cam i refuse to smile anymore... so here's the spastic looking me

Speaking of fun, I'm sure my darling had the most.. he was all out to display his barely there artistic photography skills hahah (ok i do admit some pics do look pretty good bleah...). He's so proud of his pics, he now thinks he's the coolest dude on earth heh.

While queuing for henna painting, we played ard with the functions of our camera
My fav pic. The function of the cam was suppose to blur out the sides but i couldn't get it right. oh well.. i think u look good here :)
Pics of us... I felt lk a tourist.

The day ended with yummy strawberry cheesecake.... and i'm tired of posing for the cam i refuse to smile anymore... so here's the spastic looking me
