I'm sure many of you out there have friends whom you've known for at least a decade. But how many of you guys ever thought that it is something worth celebrating and throwing a party for? In fact, attending such a party got me wondering... where are my friends i've known for a decade? Friends whom i thought would always be there for me (i'm sure u guys wrote things lk "friends forever" in autograph books back in the good old days), friends whom i can sit in silence with and yet feel at ease and comfortable. These ppl seem to be slowing drifting away. The practice of meeting up just for birthdays seem to be a thing of the past. Meeting up once a year too seem to be a thought that is slowly becoming beyond my reach...
My bf's decade party... His friends are a pretty cool bunch of ppl. Observing from a third party pt of view, it's interesting to notice the special trait of each person together with their unique nick they call each other and how amazingly everyone just click together.

My bf's decade party... His friends are a pretty cool bunch of ppl. Observing from a third party pt of view, it's interesting to notice the special trait of each person together with their unique nick they call each other and how amazingly everyone just click together.
