Not sure if i can put the pic up but i took it anyway.
I don't give a damn abt the family rift. But my heart goes out to the poor dog. Which human in the right mind would beat a dog up til this state?!?! It was beaten up coz it bit the person but the person wasn't even hurt! Anyway, did i mentioned, I signed an online petition against animal abuse some time ago in dec haha. Nope i'm no animal lover. In fact, I never fancy animals and nature. Mel loves fast paced society like that of New York City. Tall buildings, traffic, shopping, ppl rushing ard rulez hah. I signed the petition partly because i was bored at internship and even though i don't like animals, i think they do not deserve to be beaten.
Now, take a look at these pics...
My bro's hamster, puny. Do u think it's cute? Well this stupid (verbal abuse is different hurhur)thing bites! and it hurts! Did i mention i think it's gay? it only plays with my bro. it only lets it climb on his hand. Actually i'm a bit scared to carry it. It bites. So don't be deceive by this innocent cute thing. However, i still feed it and try to keep its tank free of shit k. Just leave the animal alone and it wun be hurting u!
Doesn't ppl get it tt these things r called animals! Not human.. they're called animals for a reason and of course they r different from humans who r suppose to be able to think logically. Even humans can commit murder and do out of space stuff at times. What can we expect out of animals. I just hope ppl will stop torturing these poor things.
Headlines of today's Straits Times, Home section: Pet abuse case leads to family rift