Happy Halloween.. never been to a Halloween party before even though we've planning to go to one every year haha. The closest we ever get to going for a party was last year. but after all the talk on what costumes to wear, only 1 gal went in the end with her friends hah. Did not realise time has past so fast. The last i heard, tt girl was an Egyptian gypsy this year.
I feel mean for having the thought that i do not want to go to tt gal's birthday celebration. Apparently this is the first time the entire group can make it but me! 10 people k.. everyone can make it. we were all surprised haha. Well tt gal wanted to cancel the date coz i can't go! wah liao.. i was lk "NO!" as i said, i dunno wat she did to deserve me not liking her. It's juz somethings she does once in a while la. BUT i dun hate her! Anyway it's not tt i dun wan to go, i just realised i had to attend a wedding dinner next fri! hah. It's fated. Not my fault. Well i'm thinking i'll probably pop by after the dinner or something since it'll be til late.
Alright, i'm off to school. Another long day for me again. Wondering if i should cut my hair after class today =)