If you, Derrick is ever reading this, I would suggest you close this page. It's my right to type whatever I want. I won't mince my words because this is my space. I hardly feel unwell and this not the best time to fall sick. Yet I'm having the chills. Whenever my boob hurts, I will start to get the chills and a little temperature. It had to come at the time when i'm feeling totally not in the mood to do anything. I think I should swallow a few more pills. What I had isn't enough. Guess feeling down really brings down one's immune system. We just got news that we will be moving back to Singapore and the first thing that came to my mind is F*** I've to face her. That fake face (literally fake. No amount of make up helps la. old means old. draw what draw) who pretends she doesn't care or even when we talk face to face she says no no it's ok. PUI! Der will be unhappy reading this but i blame it on him for making the situation like this. No amount of ...