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man, I miss Penang already. I think my stomach has expanded from all the eating. I'm practically hungry all the time now.

The flight timing back from Penang is just nice that I only need to utilise half-day leave, which means I have to face reality just as I touch down. Nonetheless, the break was short but amazing. 

Will be working on my blog entry right now. So stay tune to this space!! :)

"Penang... truly asia..." hah 500 pictures can't be wrong.


BbJia said…
Hi Michelle...hope to keep in contact with you & Derrick. Eventhough we only got to know each other for a couple of hours or probably minutes, it was great knowing both of you. I can be contacted (always or most of the time) via my email Well I'm the overgrown Baby! Send my regards to Derrick too...Cheers Fauziah

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