I think I'm suffering from some kind of eating disorder. I feel hungry all the time so I keep eating non stop. Der's irritating me by giving me gross faces of how much I'm eating and telling me how fat i've become. ROARRRRR i think i should start exercising... I can't drag myself up in the morning on weekends because I'm deprive of sleep on weekdays. Lisa! you should ask me to run with u more often!

This friday is THE FRIDAY. I spent the night chilling out after a super duper long time. I can't remember when was the last fri i went out after work. Der got invited to Oosh and it was my first time there too. Thought the place was pretty cool at first till the guys started complaining it was too hot. I must say it wasn't as comfortable a place as it looks but I think it was because it was too crowded due to the Mosaic event. I'm still up in going there for dinner sometime as the menu looks good. And of course, since I've got a cool black member card, I think I should make use of it at least once! heh
All of us at Oosh
Moved on to Ice Cold Beer in the end. My first time as well and I love the chicken wings and pizza!! They're yummy!
Sigh... everyone is leaving. Leaving one by one. What's holding me?