Had my first lunch outing with almost all my cousins during the weekend because one of them (the one wearing pink T-shirt) is leaving for the States! How cool is that. Going overseas to study on scholarship, no worries about sch fees, no parents breathing down your neck... ahh... my dream life. Always love being overseas...
*Due to the fact that the waitress there do not know how to use a cam, even after MULTIPLE tries, there was no grp pic :(*

*Due to the fact that the waitress there do not know how to use a cam, even after MULTIPLE tries, there was no grp pic :(*
On the same weekend, I also had another lunch appointment. But this time, it's my bf's family's lunch. 3 tables full of family members becoz it's the Ah ma's birthday. Ah ma said I'm pretty! *beam* heh... Anyway the pt is.. Thanks for inviting me :)
(We took a group pic. Will post when I get it)
(We took a group pic. Will post when I get it)