Mel got her new lappie! It's a beautiful, pure white, MacBook :) I'm still figuring out the many cool functions it has and adjusting myself to it. So I'll definitely be blogging more now. But I've a lot to thank my ever dearest darling. He made everything much much easier. Downloaded all i need, even placed all the shows i want to watch on my desktop. WOOooHOoo... As you can see from the date of entry, this entry was supposed to be way before the new year but due to some tech glitches, which once again, was solved by my darling, this entry came in now... on New Year's Day (Pics for New Year Day would be up later). So some thoughts for the past year... A fruitful year for me i guess. 1. I graduated from SMU 2. I found my first job at Citco 3. I've become closer to some friends once again 4. I found You :) Though not everything is smooth, I'm glad I've you. Thanks for being so patient and tolerant of my wierd behaviors. **** Anyway, for Christmas Eve in 20...