The flight from Moscow back to Sin was the best flight I ever had with Charlotte even though she hardly slept onboard. Charlotte was so well behaved on the flight. I have the inflight entertainment and cartoons downloaded in my phone to thank for. I would not know what will happen without them.
Meal time was not a battle as well as Charlotte happily ate her food while watching cartoons. I was able to eat quite peacefully while she worked on her meal.
Meal time was not a battle as well as Charlotte happily ate her food while watching cartoons. I was able to eat quite peacefully while she worked on her meal.
Totally enjoying her ice cream
She even allowed me to go to the restroom twice while she sat in her seat to watch cartoons all by herself. When she got bored, she did some colouring on her book, some sticker activity and played a little with the toys she brought on board. Then she continued watching other cartoons thereafter! I even managed to doze off for about 20 mins twice while she watched her cartoons.
What more can I ask from this terror?