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Showing posts from June, 2008
I love surprises :) It always brightens up my day and make me happy :) I've to learn to be more appreciative, more supportive, more encouraging and most importantly, less temperamental. I'll definitely be able to do it. I think these are the coolest flowers. There are actually words printed on the rose petals! Pretty eh? I love them! Please do not think of giving up. Do not..... Happy 9th month :)
I didn't mean for things to turn out this way. The thought of you even thinking of it scares me. Never knew i could impact someone lk tt. But i agree with what sy says: think properly. All I know is tt all your worries shouldn't even be a worry. I'm very sure it's the wrong thing to do if you give it up. THIS should be the time when we all should try new things. Ppl mght think i'm selfish to think this way but it's just me. I can't help it. I'm sure I'll feel guilty if you give up. Please don't..... *I feel so helpless*
Every time I'm out with u, u'll let me know some new discovery. Was utterly shocked but no advise to give. Being there let me realised that nothing is totally unacceptable afterall. Environment can slowly mould a person. And i think tt's a bad thing. Congrats to yet another couple. Quite surprised too. I can't help but laugh when I recall your shocked expression when I said "I hate those little beings (referring to children)". tt's all. It' hard to blog when I can't spell everything out blatantly. hahaha think this is the most thrashy post ever............. lost? don't bother understanding.
Check out my new kate spade bag. Not sure if it was impulsive buying but I'm happy :) I love the striking green colour! However I must say it's a bit hard to carry when there's too many things in it. It has the tendency of slipping off my shoulders. I also foresee some maintenance problem. Since it's canvas, i must take extra good care of it. I love the bright interior too. *** Wonder what activity my darling is doing now in obs. I'm bored without him heh. Seriously... not faking.
cranky cranky go away! no idea y i've been so cranky lately and who else but u have to bear the brunt... as usual. Glad i had a break today. Even though it didn't started off all well in the beginning, i'm glad it ended well. Watched my super duper long awaited movie of the year....*drumrollzzzz* I loveee the show but was a bit disappointed that Samantha wasn't her full character in the movie. But, all in all, i love the friendship they share and of course the lifestyle. The new age financially empowered ladies, living in uptown Manhattan, trotting the streets with the latest monola blahniks and latest louise etc. ahhhh the kind of life.... Back to reality.... mel went shopping for cheap shampoos at chinatown after the movie. (reality sux.. buy redken shampoo also got to go buy cheap ones. By the way, shampoo at people's park is damn cheap as compared to the salons la. It's lk half the price can!) So the auntie in me went up and down levels looking for the store...
Quote from u! "Pimples and ulcers tend to pop out only after you have a sudden break from a period of extreme tiredness, depression and chaos." Roarrrrrrr. Don't say tt! sigh.... to me, it's more lk ... "Pimples tend to pop out when u're in a period of extreme tiredness, depression and bleakness and moreeee to pop when u're in the grey area... " Pimples tend to pop when u're stress but looking at them makes u even more stress, which makes more pimples pop and the cycle just goes round and round and round. arghhhhh i'm starting to hate looking in the mirror... i dun wan to go anywhere. i just want to stay home..... leave me aloneeeeee. (erm.. i am alone... hahah not funny lame....) i'm rambling too.....

Y must there always be buts.....

It's over...but..... Sigh! over also sigh, not over also sigh. I think i'm just a miserable person by nature. I should be glad it's over but.....argh! oh well i shall mourn abt it when the time come. Otherwise i'll be mourning for the whole year and tt isn't something very good. For now, it's time for things i have not have time to do ever since... 1. First up is to catch Sex and the City! I think i'm the only boring person on earth who have not catch the movie and I was the one who was all excited even before the movie started. 2. I wan to go ktv! even though i don't know how to sing a million songs, i enjoy watching the mtv and listening to ppl sing hahaha and of course try to sing here and there. 3. I need to shop. Anyway, i remember mentioning to all about this place called curry favour and that it serves fabulous curry rice. Well, i found somewhere even better heh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derrick leow's curry rice!! My darling was sweet enough...